VAT Atex Fans

Atex Fans VAT - SIA Aspiratori

SIA had the spark-proof version of its fans examined by TÜV Italia, which after conducting the necessary checks, issued its certification of the product. For this reason, in addition to the usual Atex certificates, SIA can provide with these fans the statement of conformity issued by TÜV Italia in the capacity of an external certification body.

Fans with Atex certification have been designed and manufactured for use in zones classified as 1/21 and 2/22 and are suitable for conveying flammable and combustible substances, in accordance with the guidelines of the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU.

Zones with the presence of gasZones with the presence of dusti
When the hazard is due to the presence of gases, vapours or mists of flammable substances, European Directive 1999/92/EC provides for classification in terms of three zones defined as follows:When the hazard is due to the presence of combustible dust, European Directive 1999/92/EC provides for classification in terms of three zones defined as follows:
ZONE 0 Not possibleZONE 20 Not possible
ZONE 1 2G fansZONE 21 2D Fans
ZONE 2 3G or 2G fansZONE 22 3D or 2D fans